Saturday, 23 March 2019


Following on from my successful first blog on a comtoise clock 'Marciac' i find myself on possession of another.
This one is basically the same time/chime setup and all parts look the same so i forsee no issues renovating it.
I will need to source a key and balancier though as these are missing, but all works and it came with a nice simple full size long case.
The dial is nice and unblemished showing the clock being sold from a dealer (?) Paul Ancely of Lavaur in the Tarn.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!

    If you want a cheap and simple pendulum idea, one can be made from an inexpensive 5" hollow brass bob (second hand or new) and a 36" length of 1/8" wire (one end can be threaded with a tap and die, and the other end can be flattened and formed into a small hook).
