Sunday, 10 March 2019

Morbier Clock, 'Marciac'. 2.

I had a little time today so removed the hands and face complete with repoussé.

All came away easily enough starting with the small nut over the washer that holds the minute hand. This reveals a square washer that requires rotating a quarter turn which enables the hour hand to be removed.
Two screws are then removed that hold the repoussé and clock face to the frame enabling this peice to be removed. These are located just off the ten and two positions in the repoussé.

I contemplated removing the face from the repoussé but the left and right sides of this brass panel wrap around the steel square (this square forms the front of the box that the movement sits in) that the face is attached to, the repoussé is pinned to the square with brass pins that would require filing down and removing. Wanting to keep the clock as original as possible this seemed a stage to far at this time.


  1. I only remove the enamel dial if it's absolutely necessary. I think you can fix the warped sections and clean the dial as-is (in one complete assembly). Those hands are brass! They're so dark I thought they might be steel. This clock has not been cared for for a long time!

  2. Cheers JC,i am going between splitting or not splitting the parts at the moment. I have actually cleaned it up very well but am not sure how to get the brass shiney. It is clean now, just dull.
